
Perceptism: An approach to life and social organization that prioritizes perception over knowledge, intelligence over fixed rules, and that points out that humanity is inseparably together in facing the crises that confront us all.

Table of Contents

  • Section E: The Systemic Fault in Thought
  • E1. What is perceptism?
  • E2. Why perceptism?
  • Section G: Perceiving Ourselves
  • G1. What is perceptism?
  • G2. Why perceptism?
  • Section H: We Are All Interrelated
  • H1. The individual is an abstarction


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between perceptism and mindfulness?
Does perceptism recommend doing meditation?
B2. Why perceptism?


Section B: Perceiving Nature
B1. What is perceptism?
B2. Why perceptism?

Section A: Perceptism

Why a new word? The word perceptionism, which pertains to the theory that knoweldge is derived from perception, was already taken. Its established meaning, while related, is too limited. Perceptism as a term has the benefit of being novel and more concise. We are proposing that perception is fundamental and that this holds for the vast majority of human enterprise. The word perceptism is meant to capture the primacy of perception.

This novelty is important as what we are proposing strongly differs from the current paradigms in culture and in the social sciences. Thus the need for a new word that cannot easily be reduced to preexisting ideas.

A1. What is perceptism?

Let us begin with a brief definition of the word:

Perceptism: An approach to life and social organization that prioritizes perception over knowledge, intelligence over fixed rules, and points out that humanity is inseparably together in facing the crises that confront us all.

This short definition only scratches the surface of what is meant by perceptism. Perceptism is a kind of ethos or spirit in the same way one might say they’re doing something in the spirit of science. In fact, perceptism shares many features in common with science as in science you must face the fact, that is, you must face what you perceive, whether you like it or not.

One of the essential features of perceptism is that it is anti-ideological by its very nature. Holding any concept or belief as absolutely true prevents one from perceiving possible new findings and relationships that contradict the knowledge one already holds.

Another feature of perceptism is that it gives perception more importance than knowledge. To utilize one’s existing knowledge perception is required to perceive and evaluate if the knowledge is working for the purpose it’s intended and in the context that it’s being used. Seeing the primacy of perception reduces irrational adherence to knowledge.

Perceptism maintains the subject-object duality in the external world but denies this separation when we are speaking inwardly (in the psychological domain). More on this subject will be covered later on this website.

Perceptism is a disposition to life that does not solve all of one’s problems but rather helps to facilitate the state of mind that is conductive to perceiving what is essential.  Perceptism has what could be called a spiritual or religious aspect to it in that it involves being radically present with what is immediately in front of one both externally and internally.  A byproduct of this radical presence is a slowing and reduction of thought and an emptying on the mind and consciousness of its content.

We must be careful here.  When thought says it must become silent and then effort is put in to be silent this is still within the field of thought.  Perceptism is not an attempt to suppress thought but rather a pointer to give attention to the process of thought.  In that very observation of the movements of thought it may begin to quiet on its own.  This is very different from suppression or concentration.

The last thing we will mention in this introduction to perceptism is that it has radical implications in the sociocultural domain.  Current human relationships are mediated primarily through knowledge and thought.  This is very different than a relationship established through perception.  We propose that coherent culture is not possible as long as thought dominates the human mind.

A2. Why perceptism?

The commonly held self-world views that people hold contain very inaccurate understandings of the role that perception and knowledge play in our day to day life in specific and in human affairs in general.

Perceptism was created to dispel this confusion and provide a positive vision for human enterprise and relationship in which perception is given a fundamental status.

More importantly, in order for humanity to have a chance at facing the crises that now confront us, we must be able to work and think together in a coherent fashion.  Perceptism aims to prepare the soil for this kind of coherent interaction.

A3. When was perceptism founded?

Perceptism was created as a concept on September 27, 2023.


Section B: Perceiving nature

Being in touch with nature is necessary for health and well being.  What we often don’t see is that if we loose touch with nature we loose touch with humanity.

B1. Living in harmony with the rhythms of nature

Living in harmony with nature allows for the prevention of disease and maintenance of health.  Traditional systems of health are highly sensitive to seasonal and daily permutations and state that it’s essential to have a regimen that is aligned to these dynamic patterns.  Modern advances in technology have resulted in extending light beyond its natural cycles, as well as providing indoor climatic stability that does not exist in nature.  The amount of time we spend in front of screens has only increased, often commensurate with a decrease of time spent in nature.

Section B: The importance of perceiving nature

It is important for one to perceive nature and have a sense of communion with the nature around them.  All living things partake in a unified movement.  The ability to perceive nature is not separate from our capacity to perceive ourselves and others.  If we can commune with nature then we can commune with our fellow human being. Usually we are too busy, too preoccupied with day to day life, and if we are being honest with ourselves, too disinterested to really take the time to sit with nature and perceive it.  But when we don’t do this we hurt nature which is to hurt ourselves.  And this is what is actually going on in the world.  Most rainwater found on our planet contains chemical levels that exceed safety standards.  The destruction of natural habitat has led to numerous concerning consequences.  Global warming is certain to have a dramatic effect on human and non-human life alike. This is what we have done to the earth because we don’t have the reverence and respect for that natural world that would come about if we had a true perceptual relationship with it.

Section C: Self-Perception


C1. Words


Section D: The sociocultural domain


D1. Reestablishing the relationship and communion between humans

We have lost the sense of relationship where there is something more than the verbal communication.  Where there is a communion, a sense of togetherness and shared humanity where we belong to no group, nation, or system of belief.

This togetherness is not an ideal.  It’s a fact.  Maybe at some point in the past where the world was not as interconnected and the technology not as dangerous there was a degree of isolation for different groups of people.  But that is not the world of today.

When we perceive the fact of this togetherness that necessarily changes what our relationship with other people means.  Your disposition towards people differs when you see that you are in the same shared situation and that only together will you be able to properly solve what you are confronted with.

Environmental issues, pandemics, the threat of nuclear war, misinformation, prejudice, poverty — these are all issues that transcend national boundaries.  In fact, nationalism is one of the greatest barriers to true global cooperation on addressing these issues.

Section F: Beyond Belief

In an approach to life where perceptional has a fundamental status, beliefs will naturally take on a secondary role.  When strict adherence to beliefs are encountered this is indicative of a lack of perception.

F1. Belief necessarily leads to fragmentation


Section H: We Are All Interrelated

What we do to the environment in one place effects other places.  What goes in one country effects other countries.  And inwardly, psychologically,  there is but one stream.

H1. The individual is an abstraction

We don’t see that the very assertion of self is the factor that creates insecurity.  We are not separate from others psychologically.  The very concept of an individual is an abstraction and not an actual fact for no person exists apart and independent from their environment, culture, and family.  For some contexts, like the legal context, it makes sense to take the idea of an individual seriously.

Section I: Against All Wars

War is a stain on humanity’s record.  We must act in such a way to prevent, eliminate, and speak out against all wars.  Of course there will be situations where self-defence is necessary and takes the form of a war.  But we must work to prevent that from ever occurring, and condemning every other form and reason for war.

H1. Where There Is Division There Is Conflict

We divide ourselves